Thursday, June 27, 2019

At the Door

Exodus 12:22

And ye shall take a bunch of Hyssop, and dip it in the blood that is in the bason, and strike the lintel and the two side posts with the blood that is in the bason; and none of you shall go out at the door of his house until the morning.

What is this saying? 

Really think about what God is doing here in this scripture. He is sparing a people/his people who had been oppressed, in slavery, and disobedient to him for hundreds of years. These were the people that he had set aside as his own. Yet, they struggled to do the simplest things in obedience. However, in this instance, they must obey or it can cost them their very life or the life of a loved one.

This Hyssop branch that has been stained with blood and the blood was spread around each of their doors and they must not open their doors until morning. If they disobey, it will surely change their family forever. As I think on this it reminded me of a scripture:

Revelation 3:20

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and dine with him, and he with Me.

Who is being talked to in Revelation 3:20?

The church of Laodicea -- they were a lukewarm church. They were a church that was neither on Fire for God or Cold completely against God. This makes God not too happy. He goes on to say that those who he loves he corrects. He tells them he is standing at the door and knocking.

This message wasn't for just any sinner- it was for God's people who were just "getting by". God will reject you. Just like he told the Church of Loadicea- he will spew you out of his mouth. It much like room temperature tea. Hardly anyone wants that, they will drink either cold tea or hot tea. Lukewarmness is such discusting and dangerous place to be in as a Christian because you are blind to your own ways, you think everything is great. If you feel like all is well today, you better examine yourself. We will never reach perfection on this earth, you should be striving/ running this race with all of your might.

When you look at the Isrealites and compare them to the Laodicean Church they have many similarities.

We find the Israelites struggling to fully Trust in Yahweh.
They both looked the part but it wasn't in their heart.
They were both called to be God's people.
They both had God's spirit at the door.
God has mercy on them both.
God gives them both a Second chance.

There are many other similarities but these are just a few.

As you read and observe the history of the Israelites' they fell into the cycle of Apostasy. Putting it in the simplest terms- they would serve God for a season and then fall back into the sinful lifestyle. Eventually, it cost them thousands of years of displacement and persecution. They are just now, in the past 70+ years, returning and rebuilding what was originally meant for them.

God is calling US- he sent his son to hang on another branch with is blood and he now stands at the door and knocks on the doors of our Lukewarm hearts in the church.

He is giving us a second chance.

Are you on Fire?
Do you need to repent and ask God for his forgiveness and help? 
Where is you heart?
Is Christ knocking on your heart?

This message is for the church and God's people, not the sinner.

Wake up, Wake up, O' Sleeper.

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