Monday, February 27, 2012

Oh Lord, Have Thine Own Way...

Has God been tapping at the innermost depths of your hearts lately? Where is he in our thoughts through out the day? We often get trapped into this crazy life and looking for "His Will" or "Our Own Will". In that we sit and get anxious about the things to come yet fret about the things of yesterday. I know many of our dear Army friends and some family are facing hard decisions in the near future, I just want to put a word of Encouragement in this crazy time. Stop and Smell the Roses/Coffee/Baby Diapers.... at least we have them at the present time.

Philippians 4:6Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

As I type this out, I also remind myself of these simple concepts, yet I lack in so many levels. It is very easy to get caught up in our daily lives and forget to THANK him. In Philippians, it says to Be Anxious of Nothing.... NOTHING... seriously... how many of us lack in this department! I sure do! I want to be anxious of Nothing..... how do we do this..... Put the FOCUS On GOD.... tell HIM EVERYTHING! It states by Prayer and Supplications, This means to get alone with God and Tell Him by Pouring out yourself to Our One and Only Supreme God; who already knows our burdens, he just wants us to recognize him. Once you do this begin to THANK GOD! Thank him while making your requests known! Praise him for the Answer on the way. Thank him for the breath you have. Thank him for everything he has promised us in Glory! We have so much to Thank Him for.

Jesus said in Matthew 6:34
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

How much more simple can we get. DO NOT WORRY ABOUT THE FUTURE.... there is enough to deal with in the present. We need not to waste our days worrying. Apparently, Jesus knew how hard this was for us, he even cried out to God. His example was going away for extended time in Prayer to talk to the Father! What do we need to do, just get alone with him. 

Oh, How I Long for that talk with Jesus. As many of us are relocating, getting new jobs, or leaving jobs may we all keep our Mind on Jesus. Just Thank Him for all the time we have in the present. For us it is hard but Jesus says to do it, when we do ,the Burdens seem to lighten up. I pray Gods Blessings over All of my Family, Friends, and Those reading. Good Night and God Bless!        Serving In Christ Jesus, Angel Mohler

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