Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Path of Life

As I close the evening, I sit and reminisce on the last 4 years of my life serving my husband. It has truly been a path of much joy and pain. Joy always comes in the morning.Carrying our twin sons was very painful on the body but the joy of watching them grow, well there is no Greater joy. The pain and misery of the military life of giving long hours, lonely nights, and selflessness at times seems so pointless but yet we reap the benefits of Freedom. Freedom we must fight to obtain. Sometimes I think, Why Us? Then I think on all of those who were before us and realize its not about us its about you and the rest of the world. Just as Jesus saw all of us when he died on the cross. He wanted us to have the same freedom through him.

You see tomorrow will be our 4 year Anniversary. A Blessed 4 years at that. I see all the lows and highs and all of the in betweens and all I can do is sit back in amazement. God is truly amazing. When we first married 4 years ago we were fresh out of high school. I wanted to go to the Air Force Academy and I had attended a vocational school with JROTC where I received Air Force Certifications in Boroscoping F15 and F16 jet engines. My goals in life were very different than what they are today. I look back an smile on how different my life was when I allowed God to run it. I met my husband at a Southern Ohio Church of God Youth Camp the year previously while we were working it, I was an Assistant Counsellor and he was part of the Recreation staff. We grew up attending the same youth camp most of our lives never really speaking until that summer. I knew God had wanted me at this Camp that year for a reason not really knowing why. That same very week I made a statement "Guys and marriage were the last thing on my list of concerns" ,did God ever show me who was boss.

Within 6 months we were engaged and within a year married. Did I mention we lived 3 hours apart and saw each other less than 10 times in that year. People thought we were crazy but my father Married us on July 21st 2007. We found out a few weeks later we were having a honeymoon baby! Oh what joy! Neither of us wanted any children. Then 3 months later we found out we were having babies not a baby. We were told we were having twins. I remember thinking how are we ever going to manage! My husband was working a minimum wage job and only brought in less than $700/mth. We were quite worried. God never failed us though. We stayed faithful in our tithing and we always got our bills paid and our date was a shared ice cream fudge sundae at McDonalds every Sunday.

By the time the end of December rolled around I was placed on complete bedrest and we moved in with his parents so they could help take care of me, while we maintained the other home, Josh renovated a bedroom for the twins to have when they were born. Before having a Cesarean Section to two wonderful baby boys in March, I was placed in the hospital 8 times and thanked God for keeping us all safe. The boys were pretty healthy preemies at Birth other than some things we won't even get started in. They spent their first Easter under Billiruben lights. By the next Easter they were celebrating it in the Army away from home sweet home Ohio.

When the twins were 4 months old, Josh decided to join the Army and join the fight for our Safety and Freedom. It was his dream since he was a small child to join the military, so he did. It was one of the hardest times of our lives seeing him go away and leaving me with two small infants, I was terrified and without my family, I relied on his and God. I went through the next 5 months without him and by Christmas he was back home celebrating the twins 1st Christmas. Through the next year we moved to Fort Leonard Wood, MO and spent numerous lonely nights and days while he trained for his Deployment in Feb.2010 overseas for a year. In a years time we went from fresh High school Graduates to being Married, to Parenting Twins, and joining the Army. Then a deployment. I thought Lord when is there a break! We have to remember GOD is our BREAK! We take time our for him he takes it out for us.

So now, here we are 4 years later happier than ever. Now working on 5 years! The way I look at this life is if God has us going through all of this with constantly adjusting and learning then he must have something in store later down this road that can help someone else or even ourselves. Why not embrace this to full impact and let God do his awesomeness. Its so hard at times when we military wives feel all alone and hopeless antod its all we can do to try and stand firm in our Faith but what else do we really have other than Faith. Faith is what we have to obtain in order to trust God with our Military Men, our homes, our children, and our lives! We must take the scales off of our eyes in order to see the real picture, the spiritual picture of the ultimate goalpersuade you of his Greatness but allow him to Comfort you this day. I will leave you with one of my Favorite passages of scriptures... John 14:15-20
15“If you love me, you will obey my commandments. 16I will ask the Father, and he will give you another helper who will be with you forever. 17That helper is the Spirit of Truth. The world cannot accept him, because it doesn’t see or know him. You know him, because he lives with you and will be in you.
 18“I will not leave you all alone. I will come back to you. 19In a little while the world will no longer see me, but you will see me. You will live because I live. 20On that day you will know that I am in my Father and that you are in me and that I am in you. 21Whoever knows and obeys my commandments is the person who loves me. Those who love me will have my Father’s love, and I, too, will love them and show myself to them.”

If you do not know him I invite you to get to know him. Confess your sins to him and ask him for forgiveness and believe that he died for you. Its that simple and the deeper you dig into his word, the more you want to be like him. Try Jesus. He never fails.

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