What are we doing?
Why are we constantly pouring into needs of others?
Is it worth it?
I have had to ask myself this, this week. I have been pouring out into ministry in different ways and it has been plumb exhausting. We had a lot of change in this past year. We started goat farming, we purchased a German Short-haired Pointer puppy and joined a 4-H group; while also being in our 7th year of homeschooling twin boys and becoming the Praise and Worship leader at our church. It has been a quite an eventful year.
It is time to re-evaluate again.
What am I doing?
I am serving my God (the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and the Father of Yeshua) the best that I know how to. I want to please him, raise my sons according to the Bible, and create memories that will encourage my sons to seek after Jehovah.
Why are we constantly pouring into the needs of others?
The reason is because I am instructed to pour into others.
James 1:22
But don't just listen to God's word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. (New Living Translation) God's word says we are to be fishers of men, to worship him in spirit and truth, to take care of the widows, the orphans, and the poor. The list goes on, our job is to preach, teach, worship, and live in Truth. God's Word and his Spirit are Truth. If we are not living as the scripture tells us to, then we make no impact.
Is it worth it?
It is absolutely worth it. As I sit here thinking about this. I didn't realize it until typing this right now, that it is totally worth it. My sons have grown spiritually leaps and bounds this past year. My twin boys turn 11 years old tomorrow and they long to be more like Jesus everyday. They come home after church and often research what has been taught by the Preacher or the Sunday School teacher. They do not just take their word for it. One son is singing and worshiping on stage with me and the other son is our "Sound Man". Both of them are learning so much by taking 4-H. They have learned how to take care of the goats and the dog. They have excelled in their 4-H projects. Both won Grand Champion in their category at our County Fair. Looking at it this way, yes we are doing what God wants us to do. In 1 year, look what the Lord has done. It has not been easy but it has been good. God is good, even in the hard times.
We love helping, serving, and caring for others.
It is not time to give up some but to go forward. To run this race with such fierceness that we want to win it. We do. We want to make it into Heaven and hear the words, "Well done thou good and faithful servant." It is time to seek the Lord in each of our callings and how he wants to use our lives all the more.
Click this link to enjoy this song of Praise! I get no money if you do, I just happened to hear it while writing this entry. I thought how appropriate it is!